Tuesday, September 2, 2008

4 days until departure.

Hi It's Sheila.

I finally got around to creating my blog 4 days before departure. That is better than never, right? People have been asking about how they will know what I'm up to in Africa and I've gone over several options, finally landing on the blog thing.

I chose to write a blog for several reasons. The most superficial reason, perhaps, is because thats what people DO these days! Everyone who is anyone has a blog, correct? Maybe I want to get in on the fun. Another reason is that, well, if you think about it hard enough, having a blog about throwing all familiarities away and living in another country for two years just seems kinda cool. There will be lots of things to say. I can write whatever I want, whenever I want and if people want to read it they can, and if not, they don't have to. I won't fill your inboxes with useless rambling and cultural misunderstandings. I'm not like a traveling saleman trying to sell you my life story. I'd much rather be a periodical that you have decided go to a bookstore to get because you want to hear the latest scoop.

So, log on once in a while. Maybe there will be a new post, maybe there won't. Maybe I will get a routine on writing, maybe I won't. But do know this, I will post and I will try to keep it interesting! Of course I welcome questions and comments of any kind, whether posted on my blog of sent to my personal email.

So I have 4 days until I leave. I'm not ready at all, I've been too busy with life. I know I will be ready though, so have faith in me. Now where is my "to do list..."

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